Why is it important to know what buyer personas are and how they can help you? First of all (probably more as a reminder to me, Deborah) stay tuned for an article that I have coming out in the next couple of months about trust in client relationships. A couple of months? That is because… Continue reading What Is a Buyer Persona and Why Should I Care?
FAQ Category: Coaching
What Are Some of the Group Coaching Programs That You Have Available?
Here is a list of some of the programs that we have available for group coaching. Weeding Your Way through the Publishing Jungle; Secret Keys to Indie Publishing; Definitive Guide to Market Your Book; How to Really make Social Media Work for You. Please stay tuned for additional information about these group coaching programs, as… Continue reading What Are Some of the Group Coaching Programs That You Have Available?
What Options Are Available for Coaching?
There are two basic categories of coaching. One is group coaching and one is individual one-on-one coaching. As you can probably imagine, the group coaching (which includes interactive webinars, etc.) is the more affordable option and is quite affordable when compared to its counterpart, the individual coaching. Another thing to consider is the group coaching… Continue reading What Options Are Available for Coaching?
How Do I Get My Book on the BestSeller(s) List?
First of all, we cannot guarantee a bestseller. That is dependent on the service that is providing that classification. For example, Amazon has a bestselling list but they generally do not make it available to self-publishers. So, that is something that we would need to consider as far as the publishing options. There are also… Continue reading How Do I Get My Book on the BestSeller(s) List?